Price: 104,38€ - 27,78€
(as of Oct 09, 2024 18:16:44 UTC – Details)
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Los imanes novedosos ofrecen practicidad, entretenimiento y grandes ideas de regalo. Si tienes un tablón magnético en casa o en la oficina, puedes darle un toque elegante con una selección de imanes novedosos.
Cuando se trata de imanes, el ferrofluido CZ masilla magnética y los dispositivos Feel Flux seguro que sorprenderán. ¿Quién sabía que los imanes podrían ser tan divertidos?
Los imanes son una herramienta imprescindible para los amantes de las manualidades, maquetas, jugadores de guerra y entusiastas del ferrocarril. Sus aplicaciones y usos son infinitos.
DISEÑADO PARA TRATAR EL AGUA. Especialmente Diseñado Para Tratar Magnéticamente El Agua, Para Obtener El Máximo Beneficio, Los Imanes Deben Colocarse Lo Más Cerca Posible Del Grifo O El Aparato, Por Ejemplo, Directamente Debajo Del Fregadero En La Tubería De Agua Fría.
SE PUEDE INSTALAR A TUBERÍAS DE 15mm. Diseñados Específicamente Para Tratar El Agua Magnéticamente, Estos Fuertes Imanes De Acondicionamiento De Agua Se Pueden Unir A Tuberías De Cobre O Plástico De 15mm Con Las Envolturas De Corbata De Plástico Proporcionadas, Lo Que Significa Que Es Un Trabajo De Dos Minutos.
ESPECIFICACIONES. 30mm X 65mm X 30mm. No Hay Costos De Funcionamiento Adicionales.
Celine –
No funciona, he tirado mi dinero a la basura
No cambia nada al agua. No mejora el agua. Que pena porque necesito de quitar la cal, me ensucia todo.
Cliente Amazon –
No es suficiente potente para un caudal domestico normal.
No es suficiente potente para un caudal domestico normal. No hemos notado la diferencia en absoluto. Seguramente habrÃa que poner 2 o 3.
Roberto –
4 imanes. Te lo haces tu en casa con un motor viejo y te queda mejor. Un engañabobos. Lo barato sale caro.
Warren Peace –
Living in a hard water area we suffer from lime-scale in the water. The professionals who fittedour new combi’ boiler insisted on fitting a magnet to the water inlet, to protect it from scale.With this in mind I wanted to protect our new washing machine, from the same problem. In the pastwe have used chemicals to soften the water (caldon) but this is increasingly expensive, so Ithought that I would give this magnet a try.I received this item very well packaged, with plenty of bubble-wrap to protect it. It was nothard to find out why, for as soon as I had unwrapped it and put it down, small metalobjects…..and a pair of scissors, jumped 200mm onto it! This Neodymium magnet is VERY strongand indeed comes with an A4 sheet full of warnings if it is misused or abused!Although it is powerful, it is tiny, measuring only 30mm x 30mm x 62mm and with it’s two ‘cable’ties, can be fitted just about anywhere. It is recommended however, that magnets should be fittedas close to the appliance to be protected, as possible.Cons: powerful, not cheap, a little flimsy.Pros: powerful, small, easy to fit.RECOMMENDED!
Only brought 1.
S&R –
After more than 6 months’ use, this has made absolutely no difference to our water. The water is just as hard and the kettle still needs descaling every couple of months. The magnets aren’t even very strong – those on the algae scrubber in my fish tank are substantially stronger. Don’t waste your money.
Paul –
The water in my area is very hard. When having a shower, within a couple of minutes most of the jets in the shower head are blocked, so I have to take it down, rub my thumbs over the jets to clear them, put it back up and grab another couple of minutes. As the jets become blocked the shower temperature starts to fluctuate from freezing cold to scalding hot. It has been driving me potty!I remember hearing about using magnets to stop scale forming and decided to google the science behind it. Well it all seemed a bit vague, so I decided to look at proper water softners instead. Discovering that the smallest units start at over £300 I decided to give magnets a go after all!I am so glad I did! I received my magnet today and attached it to the water pipe about 8 inches from the shower unit as soon as I got home. I gave the shower head a clean and had a shower.I was in the shower for over 20 minutes and not once did I have to clean the jets and the temperature remained almost constant- it was lovely! I can’t remember the last time I managed to have a shower anywhere near that long.I spent so long in the shower that I actually counted the jets – 97 it total. After my shower, only 6 were blocked – I guess there will be scale in the pipes working it’s way loose, so all in all a 99% improvement.It’s the best thing I have purchased in ages and would recommend it to anyone having the same sort of problems.
Trevor Enever –
So do they work or don’t they? I bought this 18 months ago so enough time has passed for me to give a definitive answer – you would think. Actually, I still don’t know if it works. It certainly doesn’t work as described. My kettle is testament to that. It carried on scaling up as it always has. In fact, if I had written this six months ago it would have been a definitive 1 star, doesn’t work. However, about then I noticed that the limescale was very flaky and, if I rinsed the kettle every few days, seemed to be reducing. Also, if I rubbed the limescale with my finger, I found it was much softer than before we installed the magnet. So soft that this week I wiped the inside of the kettle with one of those scouring sponges and it all came away very easily with no damage to the inside of the kettle. Definitely no need for a chemical descaler. Obviously, I can’t wipe over the inside of my washing machine and i can’t see what’s going on inside my water pipes. Are they scaling up or is the lime scale soft enough for the water pressure to keep them clear? I don’t know. I do know it can’t be worse than it was before. I should point out that we live in a very hard water area. I can understand that someone living in a softer water area might experience a perceived improvement or a slower build-up of limescale. I’m afraid you will have to make up your own mind whether this works or not. All I can say is that the limescale seems to have changed and can be removed easily.